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Ijumaa, 24 Mei 2013

Rapper Tim Dog Allegedly Fakes His Own Death to Avoid Paying Debt

A woman claims that Tim, whose real name is
Timothy Blair, fakes his death to avoid court-
ordered payment after she cannot find his
death certificate.
Rapper Tim
Dog, or
died in
suffering a
seizure as
a result of diabetic complication. However,
Esther Pilgrim recently claimed that the rapper
was alive. The suspicion came from the
absence of his death certificate and sources in
regards to the news of his death. Blair
allegedly disappeared to avoid paying his debt
to Pilgrim.
Blair pleaded guilty to grand larceny in 2011
for defrauding Pilgrim. Blair and Pilgrim got to
know each other via a dating online site. He
later scammed her into believing that he
needed some money for his music investment.
The court ordered him to pay the money he
owed in five years of his probation. E! News
reported that Blair had paid $19,000 of total
amount $32,000 when Blair reportedly died.
"I need proof. I need a death certificate
showing that he's dead, because as far as I'm
concerned, he's alive. Nobody said where he
died, nobody said where he was buried, which
is very odd for an obituary," prosecutor
Steven Jubera told WREG.
Journalist Drew Millard of Vice tried to
investigate the matter, but he faced a dead
end. However, he believed that "the issue of
Tim Dog's life or death needs to be resolved as
soon as humanly possible in order for both his
victims and family to have closure."
Pilgrim told Millard about the case, "In the
eyes of the law, until he is proven dead, they
have to treat him as if he is alive. And he is in
contempt of court because he has not been
making his monthly payments. It's not really
about the money. This affected me long term -
financially, emotionally, physically,
The court issued an arrest warrant on Tuesday,
May 21, for the rapper. If Blair is found alive
by the authorities, he will go to jail. "At the
bare minimum, he would get arrested and sit
in jail until his court hearing," Jubera said. In
addition, Jubera has filed a petition to have
Blair's probation revoked.

Hakuna maoni:

Chapisha Maoni
