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Ijumaa, 31 Mei 2013

Oprah Winfrey Receives Honorary Degree at Harvard

The OWN founder tells the students that they
should strive to be 'the highest, most truthful
expression of yourself as a human being,'
adding, 'You want to max out your humanity.'
into Ivy
League .
The former
show host
was given
Doctor of
degree by Harvard Thursday morning, May 30
during the prestigious university's
commencement ceremonies in Cambridge,
"Oh my goodness. I'm at HAAAARVARD!" Oprah
began her speech when addressing the
students, alumni and new graduates. "Not too
many girls from rural Mississippi have made it
all the way here to Cambridge. ... I consider
today to be a defining milestone..."
Sharing her experience in the showbiz
industry, Oprah said she strived to be
"pushing, pushing, pushing myself." Her
struggle of leading OWN in the first year after
retiring from daytime show only wanted her to
"turn this thing around and be better for it" all
the more. "I have turned that network
around!" she said.
"It doesn't matter how far you might rise
because at some point you might stumble. ...
And when you (fall), there is no such thing as
failure. Failure is just life trying to move us in
another direction. When you're down in the
hole, it might look like failure," she stated.
"Give yourself time to mourn what you think
you may have lost. Then, here's the key: Learn
from every mistake. Each mistake will force
you to learn who you really are. ... And then
figure out what is the next right move," she
continued as quoted by USA Today.
She went to tell the graduating class of 2013,
"You now have a chance to better your life,
the life of your neighbors and that of our
country... When you do that, that's when your
story gets really good." She added, be "the
highest, most truthful expression of yourself as
a human being. You want to max out your

Hakuna maoni:

Chapisha Maoni
