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Ijumaa, 31 Mei 2013

Lindsay Lohan's Parents Reportedly Fight on Filming Set

Michael and Dina Lohan reportedly have
stopped making truce after they were involved
in a feud during a show filming in Los Angeles.
Lohan 's
who made
peace for
the sake of
are no
longer in
According to TMZ, Michael and Dina Lohan are
back in bitter terms after they exploded on the
filming set of conflict resolution talk show
" The Test" in Los Angeles.
The filming of the show, which uses lie
detector and DNA test as parts of conflict
resolutions, reportedly went well at first.
However, the couple's talk got heated and it
escalated to the full scale after the topic of
infidelity was brought up. A source said that
the couple accused each other of lying and
fought over who should have been responsible
for Lindsay's condition. The source also noted
that Michael took two lie detector tests , while
Dina refused to take any.
In other news, Michael lashes out at Samantha
Ronson for taking advantage of his daughter's
fame. Samantha, who dated Lindsay on and off
between 2008 and 2009, is also accused of
treating Lindsay badly. "Lindsay was in a pretty
OK place at the time - until she got involved
with Samantha," Michael said in Nik Richie's
radio show.
"Samantha got Lindsay at a very vulnerable
time in her life. When her mom and dad were
going through a divorce and Lindsay started
drinking and partying and didn't know where
to go. Samantha got her when she was
down.Samantha dragged her to the level which
is below the barrel," Lindsay's father said.
"Where's Samantha now? Do you see Samantha
in the press? Do you see her getting press? No!
Because she's not with Lindsay anymore, that's
pretty pathetic! Samantha was always spinning
for $500 at a club, after she met Lindsay she
would get in excess of $25,000. People use
Lindsay like that, she's very susceptible," he
said of the DJ.
In the radio show, Michael also claimed that
his daughter was not lesbian and her past
relationship with Samantha was just an
" experiment." Michael said, "When she became
a lesbian? [You mean] when she experimented.
She's with guys now. She met Samantha and
then she went back to being with guys again."

Hakuna maoni:

Chapisha Maoni
