A female rapper has claimed that the very
married Jay-Z recently hit on her, trying to
organise future hook-ups with her when they
were in the same town. Uh, what?
Liv - who only uses her first name, made the
sensational claims about Beyonce's husband
during an interview with a New York radio
station on Saturday.
She didn't say when the chatting up occurred,
but said that Jay-Z was definitely attached
when he approached her, wanting to make her
"his girl when he was in town".
Liv insists she declined his offer out of respect
for Beyonce, and because she wanted to
become a successful artist in her own right,
rather than via the famous rappers she'd
hooked up with.
"I have so much respect for Beyonce - as a
artist, as a woman, as a wife, as a mother," she
told the radio station.
"I could do lot of grimy things to get in a
position where I wanna get… I'll have to look
at myself in the mirror after this… and
somebody can take that from you, who gives it
to you."
She didn't stop there - in new video clip 'The
Invasion: Part 2', she details her run-in:
"I could have messed with Jay, but got respect
for Bey," she raps.
"We were on the same set of a commercial,
see, I was sitting by myself, and he sat next to
me. I was handling it well, and he was shocked
to see, I was getting up to leave, he sent his
guards to me.
"Excuse me Miss, do me a favor, put your
number on this piece of paper. When Jay get
settled and he’ll call you later. I know most
chicks would have took the bait, but then
those chicks be the ones I hate. I wonder to
this day if I’d have gave it up would it be me
on stage throwing it up!"
She told Radar Online that she was
disappointed by her experience, hoping Jay-Z
had real interest in her music.
"In my mind, I was hoping for so much more,"
she said. "It was like, that was so personal and
not about business at all. I was like, I get it. It
started and ended there."
She claims to have run into him a second time
and did swap numbers, but says nothing
"I thought, 'Ok, this time he’s going to take me
seriously,' so I gave him my number and took
information," she explained.
"I sent him an email about my music and I
never got a response, so I was like, okay, I get
it. We never kept in touch but we had a
wonderful connection."
For someone trying to become famous for her
music rather than her alleged run-ins with hip-
hop stars, she's doing a pretty lousy job!
Jumatano, 7 Agosti 2013
Jay-Z accused of trying to cheat on Beyonce with up- and-coming female rapper
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