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Jumatano, 17 Aprili 2013

Source: Authorities have image of suspect dropping black bag near Boston Marathon bombing scene; investigation seen ‘ very close’

By Jim O’Sullivan, Brian Ballou, Andrew
Ryan, John R. Ellement and Martin
Finucane, Globe Staff
An official briefed on the Boston
Marathon bombing investigation said
today that authorities have an image
of a suspect carrying, and perhaps
dropping, a black bag at the second
bombing scene on Boylston Street,
outside of the Forum restaurant.
Investigators are “very close” in the
investigation, said the official, who
declined to be named.
That official said authorities may
publicize their finding as early as this
The same official also said a
surveillance camera at Lord & Taylor,
located directly across the street, has
provided clear video of the area,
though it was unclear whether the
image of the suspect was taken from
that camera.
Authorities planned to brief the media
on the progress of the investigation at
5 p.m. today.
Police Commissioner Edward F. Davis
said shortly before noon after leaving
FBI headquarters that investigators
were “working hard and there’s a lot
going on,” but he had no comment on
whether progress had been made in
the case. No arrests were reported this
Authorities had appealed to the public
for video and photographs of the area
near the bombing scene at the finish
line of the marathon, noting that many
people among the crowd were likely to
have taken photos of the conclusion of
the world-renowned event.
Two bombs exploded within seconds of
each other at 2:50 p.m. Monday near
the Boylston Street finish line, killing
three people and injuring 176, many of
whom suffered major trauma from
flying shrapnel, including nails and
ball bearings that authorities have said
were stuffed into the explosive devices
by their makers.
A massive investigation is underway,
involving local, state, and federal law
enforcement, and officials have
promised to go to the “ends of the
earth” to find the culprit or culprits.
John R. Ellement can be reached at . Follow him on
Twitter @JREbosglobe. Brian Ballou can
be reached at .
Follow him on Twitter at @globeballou .
Jim O’Sullivan can be reached at . Follow
him on Twitter at @JOSreports .

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