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Jumanne, 30 Julai 2013

Johnny Depp: I may quit acting soon

Johnny Depp doesn't exactly seem like the kind of guy who'll be taking up shuffleboard and dining on early-bird specials, but retirement may be in the near future for the 50-year-old "Lone Ranger" star.
Image: Dark Shadows - European Premiere - Outside Arrivals
Ian Gavan
From the Mad Hatter to Cry-Baby, Johnny Depp prefers oddballs and outsiders to traditional leading men.
On Monday, the actor told "BBC Breakfast" that earlier reports he might hang it up aren't far off.
"At a certain point you know, you start thinking," he said. "And when you add up the amount of dialogue that you say per year, for example, and you realize that you’ve said written words more than you’ve actually had a chance to say your own words, you know, you start thinking about that as a kind of insane option for a human being. Are there quieter things that I wouldn't mind doing? Yeah, I wouldn't mind that."
"I wouldn't say that I'm dropping out any second," Depp said. "But I would say that's probably not too far away."
Depp also said in the interview that he hoped to take the stereotype of Native American Tonto as only sidekick to the Lone Ranger and "flip that on its head." The film shows Tonto and the Ranger as partners, with Tonto getting the best of the Ranger more times than not.
Depp also showed the interviewer his fingernails, which he said were painted by his 14-year-old daughter. "This is a daughter's revenge," he joked.

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Chapisha Maoni
