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Ijumaa, 14 Juni 2013

Twitter buzzes with fake report of Mandela’s death •As the world braces for life after him

SEYI GESINDE takes a look at the new twist
on the news surrounding the ailing former
South African president, Nelson Mandela, as
breaking news of his death went viral on the
Internet on Thursday, especially Twitter.
People around the world seem to be bracing
for what life will look like after the death of
South African civil rights leader and former
president, Nelson Mandela, who is spending
the sixth day at a South African hospital as a
result of what doctors diagnosed to be
“serious lung infection.”
But as South Africans were praying and the
whole word waited to hear good news about
Nelson Mandela recovering from his health
problem, Rafael Nadal, a Spanish
professional tennis player and a former
world number one, had confused over 4.5
million followers on his Twitter page, when
he announced the death of Nelson Mandela.
He tweeted: “Today we have lost one of the
most important and relevant people in our
world. Rest in peace #NelsonMandela.”
A report said: “It looks like the Spanish
tennis star dropped the ball when he went in
for an early swing because Nelson Mandela
was not dead.”
Nadal’s tweet was reportedly retweeted
2,380 times, “sending a wave of untimely
However, Nadal later corrected his
statement about half an hour after the first
tweet. He deleted his previous tweet and
retweeted: “I had incorrect information and
for now #NelsonMandela has not left us. I
hope he is with us much longer, what he did
will be with us forever.”
He is not the only person guilty of tweeting
Mandela’s fake death news.
On Monday, a Twitter account imitating that
of CNN host, Piers Morgan tweeted the
incorrect “breaking news” that Mandela had
Thereafter, the news began spreading all
over the world, Nigeria especially, as many
had started tweeting the news of Mandela’s
Mandela, who was imprisoned on Robben
Island from 1964, was freed in 1990 and
was elected first black president of South
Africa four years.
During his reign, he helped to heal his
country from many years of segregation.
He has this fatherly figure for South
Africans and he is adored by many all over
the world as a symbol of peace.
No wonder he was awarded the Nobel Peace
Prize and at time, he was announced the
Time magazine’s Person of the Year.
For his fatherly role over South Africans,
South African President Jacob Zuma and
Mandela’s aides have asked for prayers for
quick recovery of the ailing Madiba, who is
due to celebrate his 95th birthday July 18.
Even, the United States government seems
to have perfected plans on how to respond
to the death of a man regarded as the world
legend, Nelson Mandela.
The Washington Examiner quoted a US
official to have said that: “Washington is
keeping a close eye on the former leader
and civil rights hero.”
“It looks bad,” the official said.
Michelle Obama visited Mandela two years
ago. Her husband, Barack, is planning a trip
to Africa in early July and he would be
stopping over in South Africa.
On Tuesday, White House spokesman, Jay
Carney said the president wished Mandela a
“speedy recovery.”
Also, there are expectations that President
Barack Obama of the United States and
possibly US former presidents, Jimmy
Carter, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush
would attend Mandela’s funeral.
However, reports said that no travel plans
have been made.
On Saturday, a government spokesman said
Mandela’s condition had “deteriorated.” On
Monday, President Jacob Zuma said “his
condition is unchanged.” Afterwards, he said
Mandela was responding to treatment, but
the situation still critical.
Now, the latest report from the government
says “he is responding well to treatment in
World leaders and the general global
audience were shaken and disturbed, when
President Zuma, on Saturday appealed for
prayers and Mandela’s wife, children’s rights
activist Graca Machel, cancelled a speech in
Britain to remain by his side.
The call for prayers and the following news
reports, to many were suggestive of
probably Mandela was about breathing his
last. This, coupled with a plea by Mandela’s
long-standing associate, Andrew Mlangeni,
asking South Africans and Mandela’s family
to “let him go.”
The 87-year-old Mlangeni, who was
imprisoned with Mandela on Robben Island,
said it was time for Mandela’s “release.”
“We wish Madiba a speedy recovery, but I
think what is important is that his family
must release him,” Mlangeni was quoted as
Also, Jackson Mthembu, spokesman for the
African National Congress, had told Sky
News that the party was “prepared for the
worst.” Likewise, Mandela’s ex-wife, Winnie
had visited him in the hospital as if paying
her last respect.
This is not the first time the world will be
scared of reported death of Mandela.
In March, the news of Mandela’s death also
spread on the Internet, during a period he
got admitted to the hospital over his long
infection, but he recovered.
Apart from his protracted lung infection,
Mandela at a time was diagnosed for
tuberculosis which he was said to have
contracted while he was in jail.

Hakuna maoni:

Chapisha Maoni
